In my personal life, I’m a husband and father of two. My wife runs a publishing company, and has written several books. In my “copious spare time”, I’m usually running.
On the professional side, I’m currently a Software Engineer at Google. I’m currently on the Colab team, and I’ve worked on several projects here, including BigQuery, apitools, and TensorFlow.
Before starting at Google, I was a number theorist. I finished my PhD in 2009 at UCLA under Haruzo Hida, and soon I’ll get some papers and whatnot linked here.
Actually updating this webpage. Still in progress.
I’ve helped maintain the bigrquery R package, and I wrote an initial version of what became gargle.
I added support for R to Travis-CI, first as a shim at runtime, and later as an official language (blog post).
I spent several years heavily involved with Sage. I haven’t had much time to write any code in Sage lately, but I did help William get funding from Google Research to fund SageMathCloud development.